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Friday, March 15
6:00 pm: Welcome – Robert Walker, TSPA President Meet & greet reception
7:00 pm: Sheep OB and Saving Lambs that First Week, Dr. Victoria Morris, DVM and Dr. Preston Morris, DVM, Lincoln Memorial College of Veterinary Medicine
7:45 pm: Forages and Alternative Feeds for Sheep During Low Moisture Conditions, Dr. Katie Mason, Assistant Professor- Beef Cattle Nutrition, UT Animal Science
8:30 pm: Management Factors Affecting Fertility, Jessy Shanks, Extension Specialist- Small Ruminant Management, UT Animal Science
Saturday, March 16
8:00 am: Welcome – Robert Walker, TSPA President
8:15 am: Live Animal and Carcass Evaluation, Gregg Upchurch, Extension Agent, UT Extension Cumberland Co. and Dwight Loveday, Retired Meat Extension Specialist, UT Extension
9:00 am: What Are Buyers Looking For?, Jeff Zinner, United Producers , Inc.
9:45 am: Break (Trade Show)
10:00 am: Annual Meeting of TSPA
10:45 am: Break
11:00 am: Genomics – A Primer, Dr. Troy Rowan, Assistant Professor-Beef Cattle Genomics, UT Animal Science Technology Tools for Flock Management
12:15 noon: Lunch and Awards Program
Aaron Fisher and Jessy Shanks
Saturday, March 16, 2024
7:30 am: Registration
8:15 am: Live Animal and Carcass Evaluation
9:15 pm: Hands-On Learning Activities
1:00pm–2:00pm Sheep Showmanship Clinic
There are several hotel options in the Crossville area. Here are some to contact for more information.
Gestation in sheep varies from 142 to 152 days with the average being 147 days. Just like people, individual pregnancies can vary, gestation periods of 138 to 159 days are not unheard of. Ewes carrying multiple lambs tend to have shorter gestations while male lambs (and heavy birth weight lambs) are usually carried for longer than female lambs. The form above calculates the lambing date based on a 147 day gestation period.
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